The Art of De-stressing Before Vacation

Payroll and HR | 14.06.2024

by Therese Eftevaag

Summer is approaching, and many of us are looking forward to a well-deserved vacation. The period before the holiday season can be stressful for many. The to-do list is long, and every glance at the calendar brings a creeping sense of stress. It is important to remind ourselves that vacations are not just a time for relaxation and enjoyment but also a necessity for our physical and mental health. 

In this blog, we want to share useful tips to help you de-stress before the holiday starts, so you can go on vacation with ease and fully enjoy your freedom. 

Why is vacation so important? 

Research shows that vacations are crucial for reducing stress and improving our overall health. Vacations can have a positive impact on work life by increasing productivity and reducing sick leave. Additionally, regular breaks from work have been proven to reduce the risk of burnout and enhance well-being. 

Tips for reducing stress before vacation: 

  1. Delegate tasks: Don’t be afraid to delegate work tasks to colleagues. This will not only lighten your workload but also ensure that the workplace runs smoothly while you are away. 
  1. Avoid last-minute stress: Try to complete important projects and tasks well in advance of the vacation. This will give you the opportunity to review remaining work and handle unexpected challenges without stress. 
  1. Take care of yourself: Make sure to take breaks during the workday, eat healthily, exercise, and get enough sleep. A healthy body and mind will help you manage stress better. 
  1. Set clear boundaries: Make it clear to both colleagues and clients that you are unavailable during the vacation. Set up an automatic email response that informs about your absence and your return date. It might also be wise to turn off notifications on your phone. 

The importance of taking a vacation 

According to research, skipping vacations can increase the risk of health problems such as heart disease and burnout. Vacations give us time to recharge, which can improve our mental health, boost creativity, and make us more motivated when we return to work. The research is clear on this point - taking a longer, uninterrupted vacation has a positive effect on long-term health and well-being. 

In summary 

Taking a vacation is not just a right but a necessity. To get the most out of your vacation, it is important to prepare well and ensure that both you and your workplace are ready for your absence. We hope these tips help you de-stress and have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. 

We wish you a wonderful summer vacation! ☀️ 

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About Therese Eftevaag

Therese is Product Marketing Coordinator at Azets. She is taking good care of our product portfolio by creating content and making sure the good stories come to light. She has a degree in marketing and HR and a passionate interest in communication - especially making complex information understandable for everyone.